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Autor(es) Título Tipo Acervo Ordenação decrescente
Nethercut, William R. De Properti Elegia II 7, 19-20 Artigo Propércio
McCulloch, J. Three from Propertius Artigo Propércio
Cairns, Francis Philodemus AP. 5.123, the Epigrammatic Tradition, and Propertius 1.3 Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Gardner, H. Hunter Gendering Time in Augustan Love Elegy: Introduction Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Giardina, G. (Ed.) Elegie Properzio Livro Propércio
Sandbach, F.H Notes on Propertius Artigo Propércio
Galinsky, K. The triumph theme in Augustan Elegy Artigo Propércio
Myers, K. Sara The Poet and the Procuress: The Lena in Latin love Elegy Artigo Propércio
Batinski, Emily E. In Cynthiam / Pro Cynthia (Propertius 2.32) Artigo Propércio
Goold, G. P. On Editing Propertius Artigo Propércio
Weber, Clifford Amor the Great in Propertius 1.19.12 Artigo Propércio
Dalzell, A. Homeric themes in Propertius Artigo Propércio
Butrica, J. L. The Earliest Inaccurate Citation of Propertius Artigo Propércio
Bowditch, Lowell Palatine Apollo and the Imperial Gaze: Propertius 2.31 and 2.32 Artigo Propércio
Mutschler, Fritz-Heiner Happiness, Life Models, and Social Order in Republican and Augustan Rome Artigo Propércio
Barsby, John A. The Composition and Publication of the First Three Books of Propertius Artigo Propércio
King, Joy K. Propertius 1.14: The Epic Power and Value of Love Artigo Propércio
Heslin, P. Virgil's "Georgics" and the Dating of Propertius' First Book Artigo Propércio
Glenn, J. G. Compounds in Augustan Elegy and Epic (Concluded) Artigo Propércio
Enk, P. J. Dislocation of Couplets in the MSS. of Propertius Artigo Propércio
Bowditch, Lowell Roman Love Elegy and the Eros of Empire Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Cairns, Francis Propertius 1,4 and 1,5 and the 'Gallus' of the Monobiblos¹ Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Harrison, Stephen Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace Livro Propércio
Courtney, E. The Structure of Propertius Book I and Some Textual Consequences Artigo Propércio
Miller, John F. Disclaiming Divine Inspiration: A Programmatic Pattern Artigo Propércio
Grimal, Pierre Properce, Elégies, 2.9.11-12 Artigo Propércio
MacKay, L. A. Propertius, 2.24A Artigo Propércio
Kenneth, S.; Rothwell, Jr. Propertius on the site of Rome Artigo Propércio
Hubbard, Thomas, K. Love's Other Hand: Propertius 1.9 23-24 Artigo Propércio
Goold, G. P. Noctes Propertianae Artigo Propércio