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Zetzel J.E.G Review Article: Gallus, Elegy and Ross Backgrounds to Augustan Poetry: Gallus, Elegy and Rome by David O. Ross Artigo Propércio
Franklin, James L. Vergil at Pompeii: A Teacher's Aid Artigo Propércio
Matthews, V. J. Propertius' Talking Horse Artigo Propércio
Jacobson, H. Structure and Meaning in Propertius Book 3 Artigo Propércio
Grant, J. N. Propertius, Ovid and Two Latin Poems of Pietro Bembo Artigo Propércio
Ramsby, T. R. Elegy and the Inscription Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Corbeill, Anthony The Topography of Fides in Propertius 1.16 Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Pillinger, Hugh E. Some Callimachean Influences on Propertius, Book 4 Artigo Propércio
Duffallo, Basil Propertian Elegy as "Restored Behavior": Evoking Cynthia and Cornelia Artigo Propércio
Tatum, W. Jeffrey Aspirations and Divagations: The Poetics of Place in Propertius 2.10 Artigo Propércio
Macleod, C. W. Propertius 2.261 Artigo Propércio
Wyke, Maria The Elegiac Woman at Rome Artigo Propércio
Sharrock, Alison Alternat Voces-Again Artigo Propércio
Allison, J. W. Propertius 4.7.94 Artigo Propércio
Allen, Archibald Epistolary Woes in Propertius Artigo Propércio
Warden, John The Dead and the Quick: Structural Correspondences and Thematic Relationships in Propertius 4.7 and 4.8 Artigo Propércio
Suits, T. A. The Vertumnus Elegy of Propertius Artigo Propércio
Maltby, Robert Major themes and motifs in Propertius' Love Poetry Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Debrohun, Jeri Blair Propertius, Umbria, and Rome (Origins, Nature, and Growth - Redefinig Patria) Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Goold, G. P. (Ed.) Propertius Elegies Livro Propércio
Bennett, A. W. Propertius 3. 24: A New Approach Artigo Propércio
Yardley, J. C. Lovers' Quarrels: Horace Odes I, 13, II and Propertius 4, 5, 40 Artigo Propércio
Álvarez Hernández, Arturo La poetica del segundo libro Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Caston, Ruth Rothaus The Nature of Jealousy Capítulo de Livro Propércio
West, David; Woodman, Tony Creative Imitation and Latin Literature Livro Propércio
Frost, Christopher Powell Propertius 3.3.45-46: Don't Go near the Water Artigo Propércio
Dee, James H. Elegy 4.8: A Propertian Comedy Artigo Propércio
Cairns, Francis Propertius on Augustus' Marriage Law (2.7) Artigo Propércio
Vitale, Maria Teresa Su alcani "itineraria" poetici al femminile Artigo Propércio
Biddau, Federico "Redeamus in orbem" Nota a Properzio 3.2.1-2 Artigo Propércio