Biblioteca Virtual

Autor(es) Título Ordenação decrescente Tipo Acervo
Kennedy, D. F. Love's Tropes and Figures Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Yardley, J. C. Lovers' Quarrels: Horace Odes I, 13, II and Propertius 4, 5, 40 Artigo Propércio
Enk, P. J. Lucubrationes Propertianae Artigo Propércio
D'Arms, Edward F. Lynceus and the Muses Artigo Propércio
Maltby, Robert Major themes and motifs in Propertius' Love Poetry Capítulo de Livro Propércio
TREVIZAM, Matheus Maravilhas zoológicas na "Enciclopédia" de Plínio, o Velho, a partir de duas sugestões de Ítalo Calvino Artigo Plínio, o velho
Racette-Campbell, Melanie Marriage Contracts, Fides and Gender Roles in Propertius 3.20 Artigo Propércio
Hallett, Judith P. Martial's Sulpicia and Propertius' Cynthia Artigo Propércio
Hallett, Judith P. Martial's Sulpicia and Propertius' Cynthia Artigo Propércio
Welch, Tara S. Masculinity and Monuments in Propertius 4.9 Artigo Propércio
O'Rourke, Donncha Maxima Roma in Propertius, Virgil and Gallus Artigo Propércio
Breed, Brian W. Maximum Orality: Catullus, 65 and Propertius, 2.13 Artigo Propércio
Traill, A. Menander's "Thais" and the Roman Poets Artigo Propércio
Francis, J. A. Metal Maidens, Achilles' Shield, and Pandora: The Beginnings of "Ekphrasis" Artigo Écfrase
Heslin, Peter Metapoetic Pseudonyms in Horace, Propertius and Ovid Artigo Propércio
Greenberg, N. A. Metrics of the Elegiac Couplet Artigo Propércio
Baker, R. J. Miles annosus: the Military Motif in Propertius Artigo Propércio
Drinkwater, Megan O. Militia Amoris Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Godolphin, F. R. B. Milton, Lycidas and Propertius, Elegies, III, 7 Artigo Propércio
Koortbojian, M. Mimesis or Phantasia? Two Representational Modes in Roman Commemorative Art Artigo Retórica e Poética
Durhan, Donald Blythe Mimnermus and Propertius Artigo Propércio
Harmon, Daniel P. Mith and Fantasy in Propertius 1.3 Artigo Propércio
Whitaker, R. Mith and Personal Experience in Roman Love Elegy Artigo Propércio
Booth, Joan Moonshine: Intertextual Illumination in Propertius 1.3-31-3 and Philodemus Artigo Propércio
Butrica, J. L. Myth and Meaning in Propertius 3.15 Artigo Propércio
Harmon, Daniel P. Myth and Proverb in Propertius 2.8 Artigo Propércio
Falkner, T. M. Myth, Setting, and Immortality in Propertius 3.18 Artigo Propércio
Gaisser, Julia Haig Mythological Exempla in Propertius 1.2 and 1.15 Artigo Propércio
Gaisser, Julia Haig Mythological Exempla in Propertius 1.2 and 1.15 Artigo Propércio
Bobrowski, Antoni Mythology and Composition in Tibullus 2.3 and Propertius 2.8 Artigo Propércio