Biblioteca Virtual

Autor(es) Ordenação decrescente Título Tipo Acervo
Hendry, M. Guzzling Poison and Draining the Sea: A Conjecture on Propertius 2.24b.27 Artigo Propércio
Heslin, P. Virgil's "Georgics" and the Dating of Propertius' First Book Artigo Propércio
Heslin, Peter Metapoetic Pseudonyms in Horace, Propertius and Ovid Artigo Propércio
Heyworth, S. J. Cynthia Livro Propércio
Heyworth, S. J. The Elegiac book: Patterns and Problems Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Heyworth, S. J. Some Allusions to Callimachus in Latin Poetry Artigo Propércio
Heyworth, S. J. Propertius, Patronage and politics Artigo Propércio
Heyworth, S. J. Sexti Properti Elegos Livro Propércio
Heyworth, S. J. Propertius 2.13 Artigo Propércio
Heyworth, S. J. Notes on Propertius, Books III and IV Artigo Propércio
Hollis, A. S. A New Fragment on Niobe and the Text of Propertius 2.20.8 Artigo Propércio
Holzberg, Niklas Cupido, Augusto e i Parti: Trionfi in Properzio e Ovidio Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Holzberg, Niklas Cynthia: A Companion to the Text of Propertius by S. J. Heyworth Artigo Propércio
Höschele, R. Inscribing Epigrammatists'Names: Meleager in Propertius and Philodemus in Horace Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Houghton, L. B. T. The Drowned ant The Saved: Shipwrecks and The "Cursus" of Latin Love Elegy Artigo Propércio
HOWE, Nicholas Phillies In Defense of the Encyclopedic Mode : On Pliny's "Preface" to the "Natural History" Artigo Plínio, o velho
Hubbard, M. Propertius Livro Propércio
Hubbard, Thomas, K. Speech, Silence, and the Play of Signs in Propertius 2.18 Artigo Propércio
Hubbard, Thomas, K. Art and Vision in Propertius 2.31/32 Artigo Propércio
Hubbard, Thomas, K. Love's Other Hand: Propertius 1.9 23-24 Artigo Propércio
Hunter, Richard Greek Elegy Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Hunter, Richard Callimachus and Roman Elegy Capítulo de Livro Propércio
HUtchinson, G. O. Propertius and the Unity of the Book Artigo Propércio
Ingleheart, Jennifer Propertius 4.10 and the End of the "Aeneid": Augustus, the "Spolia Opima" and the Right to Remain Silent Artigo Propércio
ISAGER, Jacob Pliny on art and society : the Elder Pliny’s chapters on the history of art Livro Plínio, o velho
Jacobson, H. Structure and Meaning in Propertius Book 3 Artigo Propércio
Jacobson, Howard Propertius 2.26A: The Poet s Lifesaver Artigo Propércio
Jacqueline Clarke “Engendering Landscape": Propertius' Use of Place in 1.21 and 22 Artigo Propércio
James, S. L. "Ipsa dixerat": Women's Words in Roman Love Elegy Artigo Propércio
James, S. L. Arethusa from Propertius 4.3 Artigo Propércio