Biblioteca Virtual

Autor(es) Ordenação decrescente Título Tipo Acervo
Griffin, Jasper Propertius and Antony Artigo Propércio
GRIFFIN, Miriam The Elder Pliny on philosophers Artigo Plínio, o velho
GRIMAL, P. Pline et les philosophes Artigo Plínio, o velho
Grimal, Pierre Les intentions de Properce et la composition du livre IV des « Élégies » Artigo Propércio
Grimal, Pierre Properce, Elégies, 2.9.11-12 Artigo Propércio
Guarnella, R.; Nethercut, W. R. Cynthia the Italian Artigo Propércio
Günther, H.-C. Brill's Companion to Propertius Livro Propércio
Gwynn, L. H. Some Notes on Propertius Artigo Propércio
Habinek, T. N. Propertius, Cynthia, and the Lunar Year Artigo Propércio
HAFNER, German Art of Rome, Etruria, and Magna Graecia Livro Artes
HAIGHT, Elizabeth Hazelton Horace on Art: Ut Pictura Poesis Artigo Artes
Hallett, Judith P. Martial's Sulpicia and Propertius' Cynthia Artigo Propércio
Hallett, Judith P. The role of women in Roman elegy: counter-cultural feminism Artigo Propércio
Hallett, Judith P. Martial's Sulpicia and Propertius' Cynthia Artigo Propércio
Hansen, J. A. Categorias epidíticas da Ekphrasis Artigo Écfrase
Hanslik, Rudolf Textkritischines in Properz Buch IV Artigo Propércio
Harmon, Daniel P. Myth and Proverb in Propertius 2.8 Artigo Propércio
Harmon, Daniel P. Mith and Fantasy in Propertius 1.3 Artigo Propércio
Harrison, Stephen Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace Livro Propércio
Harrison, Stephen J. Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature: Encounters, Interactions and Tranformations. Introduction Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Harrison, Stephen J. Drink, suspicion and comedy in Propertius 1.3 Artigo Propércio
Harrison, Stephen J. Time, place and political background Capítulo de Livro Propércio
Haywood, Richard M. "Integer Vitae" and Propertius Artigo Propércio
HEALY, John F. Pliny on Metals and Coinage Artigo Plínio, o velho
Heerink, M. A. J. Going a Step Further: Valerius Flaccus' Metapoetical Reading of Propertius' Hylas Artigo Propércio
Heffernan, J. A. H. Ekphrasis and Representation Artigo Écfrase
Heiden, B. Sic Te Servato: An Interpretation of Propertius 1.21 Artigo Propércio
Heiden, Bruce Book-division within Propertius Book 2 Artigo Propércio
Heiden, Bruce Learned Allusions and Political Expression in Propertius 2.1.51-70 Artigo Propércio
Hendry, M. Guzzling Poison and Draining the Sea: A Conjecture on Propertius 2.24b.27 Artigo Propércio